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Uniform Maintenance

Uniform Maintenance Instructions

CAP - Your cap should be cleaned with a soft brush, warm or hot water and detergent such as Ajax, Comet or dish soap. Liquid shoe polish should not be used as it runs when it rains. After your cap is clean it should be placed in a bag and stored where it won't get crushed. The top of a closet is a good place. 


Note: Your shirt and trousers should be washed in warm or cold water and can be washed with all dark clothes when a laundry is done. They can be machine dried and then both need to be pressed. 


TROUSERS - Turn inside out and press with a damp lint-free cloth over the seams. Do notput a crease down the front of your trousers. In most cases each side must be done separately, as the seams at the sides do not usually line up. When finished leave them inside out and place on a pant hanger or a hanger that will not leave a crease through the middle. 


SHIRT - If you iron your shirt on a high temperature inside out (all except the sleeves) it will come out nicely. For the sleeves, place them on the ironing board with the seam to one side. Iron each sleeve flat and ensure that there are no creases. The sleeve will have to be rolled on the board in order to ensure that the entire sleeve has been pressed. Make sure no threads (Irish pennants) are sticking out. If so, clip them off with a pair of scissors. Press your collar, epaulettes, and cuffs. 


LANYARD - Made of cotton, it is machine washable DO NOT DRY IT IN A DRYER. To dry, place some tape on a nail somewhere so rust will not get on the lanyard and then tie a shoe to the other end for weight. If it is done this way it will look new for years. It is worn around your neck, through the epaulets with the knot at the second button, looped a fourth button and the remainder tucked neatly in the left breast pocket. 


BELT - Remove the buckles and wash in hot soapy water. If the belt is extremely dirty, (it shouldn't be if it is being cleaned regularly) you may wash it using bleach. Ask an adult to help you. 



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